Tuesday, April 17, 2007

May I come Aboard?

My first real Blog! Hello New Media ocean!

I can see!

Those of you who actually know me know that I am an infant in the world of New Media. My recent introduction to the medium being a result of a fortuitous boredom induced YouTube search for “Pittsburgh”, which led me to Justin Kownacki’s Something to Be Desired. This is where the story begins, with my eyes being opened. My parents always love to tell the story about me getting my first pair of glasses at around three months old. The story goes that when we went outside, I looked around at everything in the world--the trees, the car, the ground--with wide-eyed fascination; seeing them clearly for the first time. I, of course don’t remember this, but when I compare that story with my discovery of ultra-democratic, web-based, user generated content, I recognize how it has caught my attention as I’m sure a sharp image of the world would have caught that of a three-month old.


I live at home during the winter months when there isn’t any justifiable reason to be on Marta’s Vineyard where I work as a tour guide during the summer. My parents run a little Bed and Breakfast, meaning that a perk amongst many annoyances is that we have very good cable. From a very young age like many in my generation, I have been glued to the TV. As I’ve matured however, the search for programming that offers real substance beyond the consumeristic and sheep-mentality messages being pushed by mega-corporate Old Media have become more and more difficult to find.

I hope I’m not aggrandizing a lucky click by saying that Old Media pushed me out of their boat, but if you consider this: I have 300 channels to choose from and yet I turned cable off and went to the computer in hope of finding a better distraction. Good wireless internet is another perk of BnB residence! What’s more; those 300 channels are still there and I, for any substantial amount of time, haven’t been back. I’m quite comfortable lounging on the decks of each boat in the New Media fleet. Alive in Baghdad, The Ninja, Britney Mason, The Ointment, Dutchwest, and of course my friends at STBD are all free agents who choose their own direction and message. No longer must I be towed behind the Old Media, whose “titanic” (I like the use of that specific word) vessel is steered by some unseen pilot whose intentions and course are suspicious.

Speedboat Vs. the Containership.

The biggest advantages of New Media that the Old will never be able to match are the ability of each viewer to become a participant and the nimble speed by which content creators are able to respond. Every show online has, somewhere, a contact link. Others have made audience participation integral to their entire scheme, like ItsAllInYourHands.com. Using this added facet, many creators have been able to gauge their audience’s preferences quickly and respond. Rocketboom and Scriggity for example base most of their content on submissions from their viewers. In the case of narrative content such as STBD, Justin Kownacki was able to poll the audience by an emailed survey, get feedback on his own forums, and even invite audience members to be a part of his planning for the future. I can’t imagine Old Media’s daily audience gauge runs much deeper than the Neilson reports.

Beyond audience whims, other creators have been able to act on creative ideas that focus on up-to-the-minute events. Galacticast’s newest episode parodies the old “Dr. Who” and the new Tarentino movie “Grindhouse”, which has only been out a week or two. Only broadcast news can respond with that speed, but only to those things which they predict will be sensational and far reaching.

Big ships don’t fit in narrow channels.

Galacticast is again a good example of this. Old Media killed Joss Whedon’s series Firefly after an entirely too short run of only sixteen episodes. The fans of the show, who numbered in the hundreds of thousands, were insufficient to justify the show’s continuance in the minds of network execs. However, here in the new media realm, with the incredibly creative, inexpensive, and niche content that’s being produced, everyone can find something to get behind. I know Casey Mckinnon would not be unhappy with a couple of hundred thousand rabid fans and her product is worthy of such. The pioneers of web-based content have the opportunity to offer something to every group or demographic that will support them. If you want to see something, ask. If you see something you want, support it.

Little boats are easier to drive and less expensive.

Didn’t find what you’re looking for? Chances are you need to look harder, but if you really don’t find your type stuff here, you’re in luck! If no one has done what you have in your head, you are free to be the first in your niche. So many of the producers of online content are doing it on peanuts and resources like the PodCamps and numerous blogs are readily available to help you do it. Not saying anything is to miss out on another fundamental advantage of this platform: individual ability to produce content. Even I, cameraphobe extraordinaire, have begun to construct what will be my humble contribution.

Course and heading, Sir?

With all that I have found in this new community of creative pioneers, I’ve spent my first few months of infancy being totally overwhelmed by the scope of what’s happening at this moment. I am however finding my sea-legs and can’t wait to begin the adventure. I am so lucky to find this medium still in its initial growth period. Because it is so new, if I return to the infant analogy, there are no adults here yet. There are big kids, yes, but there is no one out there with such authority to say that “your ideas are bad”, or, “that will never work here”. CC Chapman described this as “The New Media Playground” in his presentation at PodCampNYC. He highlighted the truth that New Media is still enjoying the innocence of youth. I think youth is the breeding ground of imagination.

I am proudly shoving my little boat off the beach and into the ocean; initially in the form of this blog. My plan: Find a direction, make friends, have fun, and stay in communication with the fleet. I am looking forward to being a part of this new community. The knowledge that creators now want their audience to think critically about their content and respond is uplifting and far more satisfying than just being spoken at. Knowing that I have a voice is empowering and now I have to do what Ze Frank encouraged all of us to do: get from zero to one.

To all the ships at sea and to all the ports of call:

I love you all and thank you so much for your contributions to what I’m sure will be one of the historic leaps in human communication. As Chris Brogan says, you are all rockstars! Keep up the good work. I’ll see you out there.

Please, by all means be friendly…

You can find me on Twitter, Myspace, Virb, and Jaiku.


Kfir Pravda said...

Hi, I feel exactly the same - overwhelmed with this new medium, and looking for new directions in this uncharted land.

annie said...

Well, hi! I'm one of the older folks entering the new media waters, but the infant analogy still works. I like what you said:
'there is no one out there with such authority to say that “your ideas are bad', or, 'that will never work here'."
Because in the old media world, I can say I missed the boat, but in the new media world, if I miss one boat there's another one right behind it.

Vergel Evans said...

This is just the start... it's going to get alot crazier once things start popping out of the screen and into our lives.

Imagine booking a cruise ship tour with friends of friends who follow the same 'new media content as you'. Or buying your clothes, cookbooks, magazines or houseware items from someone who you follow via their blog/vlog/podcast.

What started with the slow decay of television is going to walk across all the mediums... from news and fashion, to vacations and lifestyle.

When I started my podcast I realized that it made sense to print a techno music fanzine, to help get the info off the screen. But in the year since I've started thinking of other items that I would appreciate and think ppl who are into my show would appreciate as well.... and now it's just a matter of time.

Barbara Gavin said...

Welcome aboard! The seas can be choppy, but it is always an adventure.

Your narrative style is easy to follow and the headers are helpful. Good transitions.

Andrew Smith said...

Thank you all for taking the time to read my ramblings. One of the most attractive aaspects of New Media is the emphasis on community and your kind words again leave me feeling most welcome. As an attempt at personal emrichment and structuring of thought, I do intend to post regularly. Feel free to check in on me and offer any constructive advice you see fit. Thanks again, all!